Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Butter Knife

Because it is winter, I don't shave my legs more than a handful of times in a month. I wear knee high socks everyday so that no one, and I mean no one, will see my legs. I try to shave them on Sunday...you know getting pretty for God, but since we still have no heat, our showers have been very quick with no time to shave.

It was so pretty outside today with a high of 64, so today, my legs got first class treatment. Well, I say first class but it wasn't so much. I did try to shave my legs today but it was with a dull razor and soap. Do you know what that combo will do to a girl's legs?...it is not pretty. Not only are my legs ashy, but now I have patches of hair when there is clearly not supposed to be any! Shaving with a dull razor is like trying to cut down a forest with a butter knife....it ain't going to happen.

So let's compare that with our walk with the Lord. There are certain things you need to have a successful walk with Jesus. It is pretty basic, but necessary.

1. Faith - You have to believe that Jesus came to earth, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and then died on the cross to save you from your sins.

2. Confession - You have to confess your sins.

3. Forgiveness - You have to ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins.

4. Read/Pray/Share - You must read His Word to know what you believe. You must pray to God for understanding and application of the Word into your life. And you must share His Word with the world.

As Christians, we pretty much have the first few down, that is why we call ourselves Christians. It is the fourth one that we have the most trouble with. Most of the time we read His Word at church on Sunday, but then don't touch our Bible until the next Sunday. How many times have you found y0ur Bible in your car the following week?

If we don't read our Bible then we will not be able to share with others our beliefs. You are not prepared to defend your faith when you need to and you are at risk of falling under the happy, feel good umbrella god. If you don't read your Bible then you might as well go to the local forest with your butter knife and go to town. The results will be about the same...you will get nowhere.

As for me, I am going to try to make sure that I read my Bible more than I have in the past. I have to if I want to share with others the greatest gift known to mankind...the LOVE of Christ.

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